We set new standards for the microbiome

Our pioneering vision set the stage for unique understanding in product development for the microbiome
The BioCollective system produces superior samples, generates the highest quality-validating data, models the dynamics of microbiome structure and function and makes microbiome research more comparable and repeatable. Learn more about what we do.

Our ick-free BioCollector™ Kit has been used by Harvard’s Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, The University of Chicago, and Axial Biotherapeutics. The BioCollector™ Kit and process provides quality, homogeneous samples for use in multi-omic analysis — from genomics to metabolomics to isolation and culturing.

Setting higher standards
Leveraging our expertise in whole stool collection and homogenization, supported by an NIH SBIR grant, we developed the first whole stool reference materials in collaboration with Janssen's Mosaic™ Challenge, National Institute of Standards and Technology and Zymo Research. Our Zymobiomics Fecal Reference with TruMatrix™ technology to improve data reproducibility and elevate microbiome research is now available through Zymo Research.

The details are in the data
The BioCollective holds the keys to health and disease in our fecal sample bank. We believe answers lie in the depth and scope of microbiome data. Our fecal sample bank contains population samples and data across age, health, disease, lifestyle, and environment. Our samples and data have been used around the globe in early stage research, Parkinson's biomarker investigation and probiotic product development.


Predicting a new outcome
The BioCollective utilized its whole genome approach and expertise to develop a complex computational microbiome model. Bioflux™ Metabolic Model connects the dots to determine how various organisms influence the structure and function of microbial communities. Our approach has been used to develop our BiotiQuest brand of probiotics and in the evaluation of other consumer probiotic brands.
This system is unique in its approach to building optimized probiotic consortia, with specific metabolic outputs and in the evaluation of strain specific metabolic profiles.

I understood Parkinson’s as a systemic problem; these are systemic conditions and require
that same systems approach from my business career to fully understand what’s going on.
So, I started applying my systems thinking to the problem.
Martha Carlin
MicrobiomeTimes / Read Full Article

Before we can
make correlations of
microorganisms with a condition,
we need to know that
the microbiome we have
is reflective of reality.
Dr. Raul Cano
Nature / Read Full Article

American Gut:
an Open Platform
for Citizen Science
Microbiome Research.
Dr. Naseer Sangwan
PubMed / Read Full Article